Glycan Array Experiment: primscreen_1724

Glycan Array ID : primscreen_1724
Sample Name : Galectin-3
Sample Category : S Type Lectins
Investigator: : Richard D. Cummings
Download Data:
File: Gal 3 56.25ug_39208_data.xls
Sample Information:
Name : Galectin-3
Complete Name : Galectin 3, Gal-3, Galactose-specific lectin 3, Mac-2 antigen, IgE-binding protein, 35 kDa lectin, Carbohydrate binding protein 35, CBP 35, Laminin-binding protein, Lectin L-29, L-31, Galactoside-binding protein, GALBP
Family : Galectin
Sub Family : Galectin
Gene Symbol : Information not entered/not applicable.
Synonyms : Information not entered/not applicable.
Species Common Name: : Human
Species Scientific Name : Homo sapiens
Estimated Purity : Information not entered/not applicable.
Mutation/Chimera : Information not entered/not applicable.
Entry Date [yyyy-mm-dd] : 2003-12-10
Status : Public
Primary Sequence :
Comments :
Information not entered/not applicable.
Known Sites of Expression :
melanotic melanoma ;colon ;Pooled human melanocyte, fetal heart, and pregnant uterus ;colonic mucosa from 3 patients with Crohn's disease ;large cell carcinoma ;tumor, 5 pooled (see description) ;well-differentiated endometrial adenocarcinoma, 7 pooled tumors ;hepatic adenoma ;ovary ;2 pooled high-grade transitional cell tumors ;Cervix ;lung_tumor ;three pooled meningiomas ;thymus, pooled ;cervical carcinoma cell line ;senescent fibroblast ;adenocarcinoma ;choriocarcinoma ;hypernephroma ;prostate gland ;glioblastoma with EGFR amplification ;primitive neuroectoderm ;Liver and Spleen ;Adrenal gland ;epithelioid carcinoma ;lung_normal ;prostate ;parathyroid tumor ;colon tumor ;melanotic melanoma, high MDR (cell line) ;malignant melanoma, metastatic to lymph node ;glioblastoma (pooled) ;moderately-differentiated adenocarcinoma ;serous papillary carcinoma, high grade, 2 pooled tumors ;renal cell tumor ;anaplastic oligodendroglioma ;large cell carcinoma, undifferentiated ;melanotic melanoma,
External References :
Genbank : BC001120
Pdb : 1A3K
Pdb : 1KJL
Pdb : 1KJR
Omim_Parse_Links : 153619
Swissprot : P17931
Omim : 153619
Experiment Information:
Status: : Public
Title/Project Description: : To study the fine specificity of each galectin for high affinity ligands
Associated Resource Requests: : cfg_rRequest_977
Glycan Array Version: : PA_v3
Protocol Used: : Printed Array Screening
Replicate Number: : 1
Result Nature: : Data
Protein/Sample Concentration: : Information not entered/not applicable.
Experiment Date [yyyy-mm-dd]: : 2007-08-16
Supplying Investigator : Richard D. Cummings
Specific Assay Information : Biotinylated Galectin-3 was assayed on the slide array at 56.5 ug/ml. The dilution was made in our standard binding buffer (TSM, 1 percent BSA and 0.05 percent Tween 20,14mm BME). 70 microlitres was incubated on the array under a coverslip in a dark humidified chamber for one hour. A secondary incubation was performed with Cyanine 5 Steptavidin at 5 ug/ml under the same conditions as previously described.
Annotation : (56.5 ug/ml)
Protein Sample Analyzed : Galectin-3