Glycan Array Experiment: primscreen_4167

Glycan Array ID : primscreen_4167
Sample Name : Human Galectin-1
Sample Category : S Type Lectins
Investigator: : Marcelo Dias Baruffi
Download Data:
File: HumanGalectin1-1ug_14263_V5.0_DATA.xls
Sample Information:
Name : Human Galectin-1
Complete Name : Galectin 1, Gal-1, Beta-galactoside-binding lectin L-14-I, Lactose-binding lectin 1, S-Lac lectin 1, Galaptin, 14 kDa lectin, HPL, HBL
Family : Galectin
Sub Family : Galectin
Gene Symbol : LGALS1
Synonyms : galectin, Lectin, galactose-binding, soluble, 1
Species Common Name: : Human
Species Scientific Name : Homo sapiens
Estimated Purity : Information not entered/not applicable.
Mutation/Chimera : Information not entered/not applicable.
Entry Date [yyyy-mm-dd] : 2003-12-02
Status : Public
Primary Sequence :
Comments :
Four samples containing human Galectin-1 as CBP will be submitted for glycan array screening. The first sample will contain the CBP only, the other ones will contain the CBP complexed with different forms of its protein interacting patner, the human lambda 5 protein (full-lenght, interacting domain and minimal interacting peptide).
Known Sites of Expression :
glioblastoma ;breast_normal ;Prostate ;primitive neuroectoderm ;spleen ;Bone marrow ;leiomyosarcoma cell line ;normal pigmented retinal epithelium ;muscle (skeletal) ;Iris ;Lens ;Trabecular meshwork ;adrenal cortex carcinoma, cell line ;osteosarcoma, cell line ;primary B-cells from tonsils (cell line) ;adenocarcinoma, cell line ;kidney ;adrenal cortico adenoma for Cushing's syndrome ;synovial sarcoma ;melanocyte ;amnion_normal ;mammary adenocarcinoma, cell line ;2 pooled tumors (clear cell type) ;glioblastoma with EGFR amplification ;hypernephroma, cell line ;normal epithelium ;uterus_tumor ;neuroblastoma ;pheochromocytoma ;cord blood ;glioblastoma with probably TP53 mutation and without EGFR amplification ;renal cell adenocarcinoma ;heart ;Liver and Spleen ;melanotic melanoma, high MDR (cell line) ;pooled pancreas and spleen ;epidermoid carcinoma, cell line ;colon ;skin ;mucoepidermoid carcinoma ;hypothalamus ;pooled colon, kidney, stomach ;colon tumor RER+ ;pooled lung and spleen ;me
External References :
Genbank : test
Omim_Parse_Links : 150570
Pdb : 1GZW
Pdb : 1W6M
Pdb : 1W6N
Pdb : 1W6O
Pdb : 1W6P
Pdb : 1W6Q
Swissprot : P09382
Genbank : test
Omim : 150570
Experiment Information:
Status: : Public
Title/Project Description: : To compare human and mouse galectin-1 binding on the glycan array at a broad range of concentrations.
Associated Resource Requests: : cfg_rRequest_2394
Glycan Array Version: : PA_v5
Replicate Number: : 1
Result Nature: : Data
Protein/Sample Concentration: : 1 μg/ml
Experiment Date [yyyy-mm-dd]: : 2011-07-19
Supplying Investigator : Marcelo Dias Baruffi
Specific Assay Information : Sample was diluted in BB + 14 mM BME and detected with Cy5-Streptavidin.
Annotation : H-Galectin-1
Protein Sample Analyzed : Human Galectin-1