Protocol ID: Protocol Monoclonal Antibody
Protocol Monoclonal Antibody
Lectin-Glycan Binding
Antibody is diluted to an appropriate concentration in standard binding buffer (TSM, 1% BSA and 0.05% Tween 20). Seventy microliters is applied to the printed surface of the array, cover slip is applied, and incubated at room temperature in a humidified chamber away from light for one hour. The cover slip is removed and the slide is rinsed 4 times in standard TSM washing buffer containing 0.05% Tween and 4 times in TSM buffer without Tween. Seventy microliters of the appropriate fluorescently labeled secondary antibody diluted in TSM buffer is added to the slide for one hour in a humidified chamber away from light as described. Washes are performed as above, followed by 4 washes in distilled water.
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