Request ID: cfg_rRequest_1351

Status : Approved
Project Description : To continued the studies of human collectin CL-K1 see cfg_rRequest_1194.
CFG Member : Not Member
Requester First Name : Katsuki
Requester Last Name : Ohtani
Head of Lab First Name : Nobutaka
Head of Lab Last Name : Wakamiya
Assigned First Name : Nobutaka
Assigned Last Name : Wakamiya
Requester Email :
Requester Interest : Information not entered/not applicable.
Request Date [yyyy-mm-dd] : 2008-03-31
Institution : Department of Microbiology and Immunochemistry, Asahikawa Medical College
Shipping Address : 1-1-1 Midorigaoka-Higashi-Nijo, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 078-8510, Japan
Comments : Information not entered/not applicable.
CFG Core : H
Resource Type : Glycoarray
Amount Requested : Information not entered/not applicable.
Date that your RNA/GBP samples will be sent to the core [yyyy-mm-dd] : 2008-04-07
Experiment to be conducted : Our group studies the biological functions of collectins. Recently we found new collectin CL-K1. The deduced amino acid sequence (Glu-Pro-Asn) of sugar frame in CL-K1 indicates binding specificity for mannose, glucose, fucose and GlcNAc, but CL-K1 was not bind with GlcNAc like MBL. Last month we received the results of glycan array screening (refer the Request ID : 1194). These results were very interesting. Then, we newly prepared recombinant CL-K1 and labeled with Alexa 488. Therefore we would like to confirm this result and do additional condition. (1) addition of 5ul of 200mM CaCl2 and 5uL of 200ug/ml PolyI, (2) addition of 5ul of 200mM CaCl2 and 5uL of 200ug/ml PolyC, (3) addition of 5ul of 200mM CaCl2 and 5uL of 200ug/ml Dextran sulfate to 100uL of sample.
Within Scope of Consortium : Y
If yes, indicate the person responsible for inputing data into core B : Information not entered/not applicable.
GBP being Addressed : We will send Alexa488 labeled recombinant human CL-K1 in recommended binding buffer and additional reagents 200ug/mL of PolyI, PolyC and Dextran sulfate solution
Specifc aims being addressed : Define the specificity and affinity for carbohydrate ligands.