Request ID: cfg_rRequest_451
Project Description
Two projects on influenza virus receptors
CFG Member
Requester First Name
Requester Last Name
Head of Lab First Name
Head of Lab Last Name
Assigned First Name
Assigned Last Name
Requester Email
Requester Interest
Dr. Paulson's group investigates the roles of carbohydrate-binding proteins involved in immune regulation and human disease, through their interaction with carbohydrate groups expressed on cell surface glycoconjugates. This laboratory is currently focused on how sialoside ligands modulate Siglec functions and on understanding the molecular basis of glycosylation changes following differentiation and activation of leukocytes.
Request Date [yyyy-mm-dd]
The Scripps Research Institute
Shipping Address
The Scripps Research Institute, MEM-L71
10550 N. Torrey Pines Road
La Jolla, CA 92037
Information not entered/not applicable.
CFG Core
Resource Type
Amount Requested
45 Glycan Arrays
Date that your RNA/GBP samples will be sent to the core [yyyy-mm-dd]
Experiment to be conducted
Glycan arrays are requested for two projects on influenza virus receptors. One is a continuation of the Stevens, Wilson, Blixt, Paulson collaboration on the structural analysis of receptor binding specificity of human and avian influenza viruses. The current study is to elucidate the amino acids responsible for the avian (2-3) and human (2-6) type receptor specificities of the H5 hemagglutinin found in the currently circulating 'avian flu'. The second project is a collaboration with Robert Webster of the St. Judes Children's hospital to assess the utility of the glycan array for possible surveillance of receptor specificity in emerging influenza viruses in birds and pigs. Initial studies in progress are to prepare various model viruses with and without inactivating agents to determine how pathogenic strains might be handled for analysis. The second stage will be to begin to survey field isolates deemed significant with respect to the evolution of the avian flu and its potential to cross the avian to human species barrier.
We are requesting arrays since this project can be handled by Ola Blixt here at TSRI. The number of arrays requested is within the capacity of Core D without compromising the
Within Scope of Consortium
If yes, indicate the person responsible for inputing data into core B
Ola Blixt/Rick Alvarez
GBP being Addressed
Influenza virus hemagglutinins
Specifc aims being addressed
Define the specificity and affinity for carbohydrate ligands.